




Since its inception in 2020, Chongqing Xiaomi Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company” or “Xiaomi Consumer Finance”) has been relentlessly merging digital technology with product services to offer premium experiences to an expanding consumer base, all the while enhancing the quality of financial services.

Embracing Inclusivity: Delivering Exceptional and Ethical Financial Services

In tandem with societal advancement and rising living standards, people’s aspirations for a better life have intensified, leading to increasingly specialized and diversified demands. Against this backdrop, consumer finance is poised to permeate various scenarios more profoundly, tapping into the intricate financial needs of users and enticing a broader audience. This approach bolsters inclusivity, ensuring that financial benefits reach a wider demographic.

Xiaomi Consumer Finance dedicates itself to product innovation, risk management optimization, and technological empowerment to expand the scope, safety, and reliability of financial services. The aim is to cater comprehensively to consumers’ escalating demands and ensure the effectiveness of service delivery. As of June 2022, the company had disbursed over 30 billion yuan in loans, with an increase of 236% in loan balances since the beginning of the year, serving over 2.6 million customers.

The company is committed to safeguarding consumer rights and has established a comprehensive financial literacy education mechanism. Focusing on vulnerable groups such as the elderly and young adults who are often targeted by telecom and financial fraud, Xiaomi Consumer Finance conducts regular community and campus outreach programs using both online and offline methods. Collaborating with legal experts, the company provides in-depth analysis of real-life cases, enhancing consumers’ understanding of financial matters and arming them with legal knowledge to protect their rights. This empowers consumers to enjoy secure, convenient consumer finance services.

Leveraging Tech DNA: Offering Intelligent and Seamless Financial Services

The company continually integrates technology into its DNA, emphasizing the role of tech in enhancing the efficacy of consumer finance services. By harnessing AI technologies like algorithms, machine learning, and deep learning models, a comprehensive intelligent risk control system is constructed, covering all stages from pre-loan assessment to post-loan monitoring. Through customer stratification model optimization, the company achieves tailored pricing and credit limits, improving customer satisfaction. During the mid-loan period, the system conducts batch queries of multiple databases including court records and credit bureau information, assessing changes in users’ debt and repayment capacity to identify potential delinquency risks.

By capitalizing on big data analytics, the company creates detailed user profiles, segments audiences, and identifies preferences, enabling a closed-loop precision marketing strategy that is fully digitalized, automated, and intelligent.

Leveraging fintech, Xiaomi Consumer Finance introduces smart interaction and customer service systems, streamlining the entire process from application to consultation, offering a more convenient and personalized experience to users.

Looking ahead, the company plans to further integrate emerging technologies like consumption scenarios and big data across all areas, from products to services and risk control, while intensifying consumer rights protection education. This multi-faceted approach aims to deliver a faster, more efficient digital consumer finance experience to customers.

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