


On October 25th, an exclusive report by the Securities Journal revealed that the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) recently issued a directive with specific guidelines for abbreviations used by non-banking financial institutions such as auto finance companies, corporate group finance companies, and financial leasing companies. For instance, financial leasing firms should no longer be abbreviated as “XX Leasing” but rather as “XX Financial Leasing”; similarly, auto finance companies should not be referred to as “XX Auto,” and corporate group finance companies should not use the abbreviation “XX Finance.”

The move is aimed at ensuring clear differentiation in promotional materials and communications, thereby fulfilling the obligation of full disclosure. Taking financial leasing companies as an example, the abbreviation “XX Financial Leasing” helps distinguish them from commercial leasing entities. Commercial leasing refers to the group of leasing companies previously regulated by the Ministry of Commerce (including domestic pilot leasing companies and foreign-funded leasing companies), which were transferred under the supervision of the CBIRC in April 2018. In contrast, financial leasing companies, approved by the CBIRC, are non-banking financial institutions primarily engaged in financial leasing activities.

It has been observed that several financial leasing companies, including ICBC Financial Leasing, have already adopted the “XX Financial Leasing” abbreviation in their latest updates, demonstrating compliance with the new guidelines.

In a groundbreaking development, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) has recently taken a significant step towards enhancing clarity and transparency in the non-banking financial sector. This initiative was unveiled on October 25th through an exclusive report by the Securities Journal, which shed light on the CBIRC’s recent directive concerning the use of abbreviations by various non-banking financial institutions. These institutions include auto finance companies, corporate group finance companies, and financial leasing companies. The directive emphasizes the importance of using specific abbreviations that accurately reflect the nature of these institutions, thereby preventing any potential confusion or misrepresentation. For instance, financial leasing companies must now use “XX Financial Leasing” instead of the generic “XX Leasing.” Similarly, auto finance companies will no longer be abbreviated as “XX Auto,” and corporate group finance companies will avoid the use of “XX Finance” in their communications and marketing materials. This regulatory move is primarily driven by the need to ensure that all promotional content and communications clearly differentiate between different types of financial institutions. By requiring financial leasing companies to adopt the “XX Financial Leasing” abbreviation, the CBIRC aims to distinguish them from commercial leasing companies. It’s crucial to note that commercial leasing encompasses a group of leasing companies that were formerly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce. This includes both domestic pilot leasing companies and foreign-funded leasing companies, which were subsequently placed under the CBIRC’s supervision in April 2018. On the other hand, financial leasing companies are specifically licensed by the CBIRC to engage in financial leasing activities as non-banking financial institutions. The implementation of these guidelines has already begun to take shape, as evidenced by the actions of several financial leasing companies. Notably, ICBC Financial Leasing and others have swiftly adapted to the new requirements, adopting the “XX Financial Leasing” abbreviation in their latest updates and communications. This proactive approach not only demonstrates compliance with the CBIRC’s directive but also underscores the industry’s commitment to enhancing transparency and clarity in their operations. By adhering to these guidelines, non-banking financial institutions are not only fulfilling their obligation to provide full disclosure but also contributing to a more informed and discerning financial landscape. The CBIRC’s directive represents a significant stride towards achieving greater transparency and accountability within the sector, paving the way for a more robust and trustworthy financial ecosystem.

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